

In this installment of the podcast, I’m joined by my friend and principal owner of Simplifilm Chris Johnson. We dive into a lot of things but really focus on how to work on sales technique and how being relentless in the sales arena – and in life – can go a long way. Relevant Links Simplifilm World Domination Summit 5 Steps to Land Your Dream Clients: The 10–10–10 Strategy | Fizzle Specialist or Jack-of-All-Trades? The Answer’s Obvious to Me | Gary Vaynerchuk No more yes. It’s either HELL YEAH! or no. | Derek Sivers Experimenting with A.J. Jacobs | Workflowing #64 Chris Johnson’s Website & Blog Chris Johnson (@genuinechris) | Twitter Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also don't forget to check out all of our podcast sponsors found on our podcast sponsors page. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or re