Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#548: 5 Lessons From The Road: My Podcast Tour For Two Weeks Notice



After doing 100 podcast interviews about my new book, here’s what I learned To call the podcast tour I did to promote my book, Two Weeks Notice, a whirlwind would be an understatement.  I did 100 podcast interviews (yes, you read that right!) over the course of a few months, traveling to multiple different cities throughout the United States. It was both rewarding and exhausting… and I won’t lie, I had to pinch myself a couple of times, because writing a book – and then going on the road to promote it – has literally been a dream come true for me. Now if you’ve been with me for a while, you probably know that I’ve learned so much throughout the entire experience of writing, pre-selling, and promoting a book. The podcast tour was no exception.  In true Amy Porterfield fashion, I prepared as must as I possibly could. I didn’t want to sound like a broken record, and it was also incredibly important to me to share its message in a way that was really meaningful for listeners.   I’m happy to report that all o