Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#335: Life Coaching, Wine Tasting, & Sex Ed: How These Courses Provided Time, Financial, & Location Freedom



Have you ever thought of a brilliant digital course topic idea, only to have a follow-up thought that it would never work online? Maybe like wine tasting, spiritual life coaching, or sex education? If you think these topics wouldn’t convert to a digital course -- think again, my friend! Because I have four epic examples of how my students have made something unexpected work magnificently online from the courses mentioned above. All it took was a little self-belief, a digital course, and the right know-how to get in front of the right people.  You’ll hear how… Andrea de la Mora transitioned her in-person spiritual life coaching online to generate $42,000.  Caroline Brown generated $20,000 on her very first launch, where she taught sex ed to grown women.  Natalie McLean took the physical experience of wine tasting online to generate over $30,000. Rhea Baliwala’s online course for Spanish-speaking lawyers made $13,000 out of the gate -- despite her audience's uncertainty around learning online.  My st