Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#320: 5-Steps To Make Your Marketing More Inclusive With Sonia Thompson



In this episode, I chat with expert marketing strategies, marketing consultant, podcast host, CEO of a media group, and all-around amazing human being, Sonia Thompson. Sonia shares her 5-step approach for creating a more inclusive business and company culture. Plus, she gives actionable strategies that you can start implementing right away. Here’s a peek at her 5-steps: Diversify your circle of influence Re-evaluate your ICA Commit to representation Make cultural intelligence a priority Audit your customer experience Click here to listen! This episode is brought to you by Boosted, an app for iOS or Android that allows you to make beautiful, professional-looking videos for your brand’s social media in three easy steps! You can use stock videos, your own videos, or even create stunning videos with your photos. With top-notch templates, easy resizing, and user-friendly video editing options, Boosted can take your social to the next level. Head here to get the discounted rate of $15 for 3 months of Boo