Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#317b: How To Do A Step-by-Step Mid-Year Goal Audit



I think we can all agree that the first six months of 2020 have been crazy, uncertain, and have pushed us in ways that we never expected -- especially as entrepreneurs. Nonetheless, six months have passed and we’re now halfway through the year. So from one friend to another, how are your 2020 goals coming along? Maybe you’re kicking butt -- go you! Or, perhaps you’re falling behind a bit. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, just know that you’re not alone, so give yourself some grace. COVID or no COVID, I always find doing a mid-year goal audit helpful. It’s important to recalibrate where you are with our goals to ensure they’re on track and realistic. In this episode, I have a 4-step process to help you reach your goals in the final six months of 2020 -- no matter where you are right now. Here’s what it looks like: Identify your goals -- get hyper clear on what they are and refresh your memory. Examine your progress and list out the actions you’ve been taking towards your goals. Identify what’s working and