Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#233: Podcasting 101: From Creation to Promotion



This episode is a long time coming. I get asked A LOT about how to podcast. From the equipment and software I use, to knowing what topics to cover and which guests to feature, to the recording, editing and publishing phase, to how in the world I keep it all organized! I’m pulling back the curtain and sharing all of it with you today! Whether you’re currently a podcaster and would find it helpful to hear about my podcasting process and organization, or you’re thinking about starting a podcast soon and want to hear all the ins-and-outs of set up and how to decide on topics and guests, this is going to be an episode you don’t want to miss. Here are the 10 podcasting areas I get into on the show today. Hit play and let’s get started! Show Format Set Up Deciding on Topics and Guests Podcast Outlines Recording Editing Graphics Creation Publishing Promoting Tracking Your Analytics I’ve linked you up to all the podcasting equipment and software I use here, but I thought you might like