30fg Business Podcast For Designers

30FG EP28 Cash Flow for Designers - Unplugging Blockages in Your Revenue Stream



Cash flow, or lack of it, is possibly the single most important aspect of surviving in business. Without it, everything stops. For the freelancer or small business, cash flow is the only way to enjoy any sense of stability, to be able to safeguard against or plan for the future, and to be able to measure the success of your business or talk to your bank manager about taking a loan some day. Despite this, we all know it’s something which almost all designers, from freelancers to established design firms continually struggle with. Why is that? Certainly a starting point may be to recognize designers and consultants as providers of a service. This differs from people who provide a product, in the first instance because consumers pay for products up front, but also because products tend to be a fixed, predetermined outcome. When you’re a service provider, particularly when you’re providing a service that is largely based on subjective judgement, dealing with intangible things, it’s expected that you will be paid,