
4 December 2023 | Part 1: Rain and staying healthy in your country



For full exercises: Do you work or study? Currently, I study marketing at a college in this city. Why did you choose to study this subject? I chose to study marketing because of its dynamic nature and its direct relevance to my career goals. The field allows me to combine creativity with strategic thinking, providing a perfect fit for my aspirations. Let’s talk about rain. Does it rain much in your city? In Rome, we experience moderate rainfall, particularly during the spring and fall seasons. The rain contributes to the city's greenery and maintains a pleasant climate. Would you most like to live in a place that is dry or wet? I prefer a place with a balanced climate. Moderate rainfall adds to the environmental diversity and creates a pleasant atmosphere. Would you change your plans if it rained outside? Weather conditions do influence my plans to some extent. Heavy rain might prompt me to reconsider outdoor activities. However, a light drizzle usually doesn't deter m
