Kmfbz News Radio

20170114 KMFBZ news - #24 - The Birthday Edition



A very special edition on the day of my son’s 20th birthday!!! Thoughts on David Bowie, huge advances in teleportation and quantum mechanics, aftermath of the Trump meltdown, tenth anniversary of the iPhone, a brilliant Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds documentary, scientists working on self-healing technology like Wolverine, and much more!  Support KMFBZ by subscribing today at   Music in the episode: 1) Happy Birthday - Weird Al  2) Terriers - Kids in the Hall  3) No Better - Lorde  4) Burning Man - Electric Apricot featuring Les Claypool  5) The Rog - The Vandals  6) Velouria - Pixies  7) Who's That Kat? - The Salads  8) Winning Style - Propellerheads