The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

Cold Calling's Not Dead...It's Just Harder! | Gabe Lullo - 1730



You made five hundred cold calls in one day. In four hundred calls, no one answered, and in another fifty, the potential clients said a hard no. In twenty-five calls, you received maybes; in the last twenty-five calls, the potential buyers said yes. With you making so many calls in one day, you figured more people would say yes. This is why so many sales representatives believe cold calling is dead. Bust, honestly, it’s not. It’s just the old methods of cold calling are dead. In this episode of “The Sales Evangelist Podcast,” host Donald Kelly speaks with guest Gabe Lullo about the new cold calling techniques. Gabe shares his expertise and insights on cold calling, sales strategies, and staying relevant in the ever-evolving sales landscape. Discover the importance of relevant messaging, personalization, human touch, and effective communication in this insightful episode. Is Cold Calling Dead? Addressing the prevalent debate, Gabe firmly asserts that cold calling is far from dead. Supported by data