Conversations With Women In Sales

Conversations with Women in Sales Year in Review, Lori Richardson, Women Sales Pros



We had a big year at Women Sales Pros and now are going through the review of all of our wonderful podcast guests in 2023. I would like to thank all of our guests for their focus and contribution to topics we discussed such as: Getting into sales in the first place as a woman or another "only"  Growing in your sales career Becoming a sales leader - what is required?  Dealing with a "male majority" environment and if you are a leader, how you can improve it.  Various industries, like avation, SaaS, and manufacturing.  Fundamentals for sellers.  And other topics.    We also discussed how you can give us a "5 Star" rating and you can post comments on iTunes which greatly helps our visibility. I'll personally give you a shout out if you and two other people go to iTunes, listen to an episode, and rate it - if all 3 rate it, I'll talk you up on the next episode.    Donate to the Sales Education Foundation's Giamanco Memorial Scholarship for Women in sales programs here: