The Freelancers' Show

FS 318: Dealing with Contracts



Panel: Reuven LernerJeremy GreenErik Dietrich In this episode of the Freelancer’s Show Reuven, Erik, and Jeremy discuss “Dealing with Contracts.” The Freelancers cover a number of important topics that involve contracts, trust agreements, as well as how to read a Master Services Agreement (MSA). This is a great episode to learn more about ways to take control of your contract documents and MASs. In particular, we dive pretty deep on: 0:50 - Reuven opens the show talking about contracts.  Reuven said he did not have contracts when he first started his business. But over time he has gotten screwed over. Reuven prefaced that they are not lawyers, so take this as advice only. 3:00 -  Reuven talks about things to understand are, who owns the rights, payment, insurance, and statement of work, etc. Reuven going into Master Services Agreements. Reuven asks if his peer use contracts. Erik says he uses master services agreements, and rarely contracts. Erik tries to work based on trust, and there is no motivator fo