The Freelancers' Show

FS 314: Starting Freelancing While Employed



Panel: Jeremy GreenErik Dietrich In this episode of the Freelancer’s Show, Jeremy and  Erik, and discuss “Starting Freelancing While Employed.” The discussion covers important topics on how to properly or successfully moonlight and transition into full-time freelancing while increasing your incoming and clients. This is a great episode on learning the ins and outs of moonlight on the side while maintaining a full-time job. In particular, we dive pretty deep on: 1:00 -  Erik kicks off the topic about freelancing while you are employed. Erik starts with the questions form a forum form his place of work. Erik talks about the idea of moonlighting 2:00 - Reviewing your employment working about noncompeting work or conflict of interest to avoid restrictions. Jeremy says you should definitely check with the employment agreements. More talks about signing papers on agreements as a freelancer. 5:00 -  Jeremy talks about working with clients who want you to sign non-complete work or anything in the industry or na