The Freelancers' Show

FS 313: When Your Clients are Wrong



Panel: Jeremy GreenReuven LernerErick Dietrich In this episode of the Freelancer’s Show, Jeremy, Erick, and Reuven discuss the topic, “When Your Clients are Wrong.” The panel gives practical advice on how to work with different client/work situations that may not be ideal. They suggest to think about the situation logically, have a conversation with the client, and try to work out a win-win situation for both sides. In particular, we dive pretty deep on: 1:16 – Let’s introduce this topic a little bit more softer than I did! 1:34 – After giving your clients some new / different options and they still aren’t satisfied. 1:58 – This is so difficult and delicate b/c it’s easier when you don’t need the money. If you only have 1 client or a handful of clients they are they only ones you can rely on for your income then it’s a lot harder and worse. Many times if a client asks you to do the wrong thing sometimes you can leave, but sometimes that’s not always realistic. If you can walk away if it really is horrib