The Freelancers' Show

233 FS Meddling Clients



Introduction The Indecisive CarpenterYou be the expert. 4:15: Communication Set goals for the project with the client.Don’t ask the customer’s opinion. 9:15: Staff augmentation Behaving as an employeeBecome a consultant or advisor instead. 16:20: Consultant vs. employee Ron BakerExpertise translates into advice. 21:30: Client wants to be involved more. Run any request past the business case.Keep the project on course. 30:00: Target businesses without your capabilities in-house. Do more than just your craft.Ask the right questions.Establish yourself as an expert. 39:40: Maximize your profit. Not just revenue.Don’t give away your knowledge for free.Value is contextually defined. 45:45: What to say to clients. Find out the business goal.Communicate about progress.Ask for more information about customers. Picks: Mike Monteiro Keynote (Jonathan) Shard Keychain Tool (Jonathan) Design Is a Job (Philip) Start With No (Philip) How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big (Reuven)   hired.c