The Freelancers' Show

215 FS Remote Work



01:54 - Listener Request: Remote Work 03:14 - Communication Technologies SkypeSlackZoomWeChatCrowdcastjoin.meScreenflowEmailGoToMeeting/GoToWebinarGoogle HangoutsBasecamp 13:30 - Setting Client Expectations and Discussions 20:53 - Making the Case for Real-time Communication 29:16 - Timezones CalendlyDoodleFantastical 37:45 - Meeting Face-to-face   Picks The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis (Jonathan)Hourly Billing Is Nuts by Jonathan Stark 30% OFF with code FS215 (Jonathan)Fantastical (Philip)The Brothers Grimsby (Philip)HappyCow (Reuven)The Office (Reuven)The Big Short (Reuven)iPad Pro (Chuck)Smart Keyboard for iPad Pro (Chuck)Apple Pencil (Chuck)GoodNotes (Chuck)