Play To Potential Podcast

684: EP8 Connecting the Dots: Judgment - Making sound decisions amidst complexity



This episode of Connecting the Dots deals with Judgment - Making sound decisions amidst complexity. VUCA - (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) is a term that is used to describe the state of the world. Some people use BANI - (Brittle, Anxious, Non-Linear, Incomprehensible). Whatever the terminology, it is fair to say that the world has gotten more grey, nebulous and harder to predict. Sound judgment, today, is arguably more relevant than ever. Tune in as we peel the layers on this nuanced topic.  You can stay connected with the podcast by subscribing to the Email newsletter or to the Whatsapp distribution group. Details below.  Email Newsletter (~1 or 2 a month): Join ~8500 + growth-minded individuals who take a baby step towards playing to their potential with the emails from the podcast.  Whatsapp (~1 or 2 a week): We share snippets from the podcast. With the Connecting the dots series, we will share nuggets around related topics as we move forward. Just add +91 85914 5212