Conversations With Women In Sales

172: Another Teacher Goes into B2B Sales, Meredith Chandler, Meredith Chandler Consulting



When Meredith graduated from college, she taught English as a second language in Spain. She had graduated in 2011 and from Spain saw and heard that her friends back in the San Francisco Bay / Silicon Valley area were all getting tech jobs. Friends encourged her to hurry back and get on with a big tech company.  Using her background as an NCAA varsity field hockey athlete, she walked into a sales role at Yelp - a super fast growing company at the time.  We talked about office dynamics at some of the companies Meredith went on to work for. She said that she had left amazing opportunities because the in-office dynamic was so intolerable. A boy's club.  Listern to her journey and currently Meredith is at working to grow sales there, and also at Meredith Chandler Consulting  Connect with Meredith here.