Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

Becoming a Mass Monster - Pawan Lapborisuth



When it comes to bodybuilding, most people reach for the stars but then reassess their goals when their bodies simply don’t cooperate with the master plan.If you want to be big, you got to eat big, but being a mass monster isn’t just opening up your mouth and piling in the food, it takes a whole lot of training, skill and coordination.Let’s Grow Big Together- the podcast that puts the “ass” in “mass monster!”In this series, we’re taking a look at the passion for muscle-how to build it, keep it growing, muscle gods and muscle worship.Today, bodybuilding coach Pawan Lapborisuth joins us to talk about his journey from a high school bodybuilder to becoming a mass monster, and all the hi-jinks that ensued when he finally crossed the 300 lbs threshold.FOLLOW: • Pawan Lapborisuth: https://instagram.com/plapborisuth• Fausto Fernós: https://instagram.com/faustofernos• Marc Felion: https://instagram.com/marcfelionPlus➤ Pawan’s favorite Thai food for putting on mass.➤ Harry Potter actress Miriam Margoyles says Arnold Sc