Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

FOF #2963 - Stewart Pearce: The Man Who Taught Lady Diana to Speak



Princess Diana made international headlines in 1987 at the opening of the UK’s first HIV/AIDS unit at Middlesex Hospital when she shook hands with a patient who was dying from AIDS.In an era of AIDS hysteria, this ordinary gesture marked the first time a royal or a prominent politician knowingly made public physical contact with anyone living with HIV. This simple act placed her in stark contrast to the aloof royal family and endeared her to gay men everywhere.Over time Princess Diana evolved into a fierce advocate for many great causes including HIV & AIDS, as well as leading a campaign against landmines.When Diana first entered the spotlight, she was shy and demure but after her divorce she became a strong and charismatic champion as “The People’s Princess.”But how did she do it? How did she go from someone controlled by the monarchy to a powerful advocate for the people?Today Princess Diana’s voice and presence coach, Stewart Pearce, joins us to look at how he helped Princess Diana tap into the power w