Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

FOF #2924 - Turning the Georgia Peach Blue



It was the night the lights almost went out in Georgia, and the whole country for that matter, when on January 5, voters cast their ballots for who would control the Senate. Thankfully, the good people of Georgia broke with tradition and voted Democratic thereby rescuing us from certain facism.The next day, however, following the urging of President Trump, thousands of Republican with the help of local police, Republican congressmen and the FBI, stormed the Capitol building with one goal: to overthrow the Federal government.The whole reason why we’re not telling a different story now is because of Stacy Abrahms and thousands of people who volunteered to get Georgia to vote.Today therapist and relationship expert Damon L Jacobs joins us to talk about his adventures in getting folks to vote in the Georgia Senate runoff election that helped bring the country back from the brink of facism.DAMON L JACOBS: http://damonljacobs.comPlus--➤ Oscar the Grouch and Fran Leibowitz, why it’s so important to love the curmudge