Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

FOF #2342 – Jaymes Manfsield: The Women Who Inspired Drag Queens



Behind every great drag queen is a great woman- female entertainers who inspired them to be the outrageous drag queen we all love.Many queens cite Divine as a key influence on their drag, but the iconic drag queen herself was profoundly inspired by the great Liz Taylor. RuPaul drew inspiration from Diana Ross, and Lady Bunny certainly mirrored Dusty Springfield’s look and life except the eating at the Y part.Like mixing an upper with a downer, these great ladies gave us the speedball that is drag.Behind every great drag queen is a great woman- female entertainers who inspired them to be the outrageous drag queen we all love.Many queens cite Divine as a key influence on their drag, but the iconic drag queen herself was profoundly inspired by the great Liz Taylor. RuPaul drew inspiration from Diana Ross, and Lady Bunny certainly mirrored Dusty Springfield’s look and life except the eating at the Y part.Like mixing an upper with a downer, these great ladies gave us the speedball that is drag.Today drag queen his