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The Science of Fun and 3 Ways to Add More to Your Life | Mike Rucker



In today’s episode, we cover fun with Mike Rucker. Mike is an organizational psychologist, behavioral scientist, recovering entrepreneur, and the author of The Fun Habit: How the Pursuit of Joy and Wonder Can Change Your Life. The pursuit of pleasure has been beaten into us as an unhealthy one by many thought leaders throughout history, but what role do fun and leisure play in increasing our productivity, how can you leverage pleasure to make daily work more enjoyable, and what can you do to create more space in your day for pleasurable activities if you find yourself burning out on work? What to Listen For Introduction – 0:00 How does focusing on happiness lead to rumination and depression?  Hedonic Flexibility Principle – 16:02 What role do fun and leisure play in maximizing productivity and life satisfaction? How important is it to take a sabbatical periodically to recharge and regain a healthy focus on life and work? Activity Bundling – 34:03  What can you do to add fun and pleasure to your d