

Chris Guillebeau (@chrisguillebeau) rejoins us to explain what a side hustle is and what a side hustle isn't as outlined in his new book Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days. The Cheat Sheet: Understand why you don't need to be an "all-in" entrepreneur to have a side hustle. Learn how to take inventory of your existing skills and how they can be applied to your first side hustle. Wrap your head around what a side hustle is and what a side hustle isn't. Aside from generating a little (or a lot of) extra spending money, discover the other benefits of a side hustle. Figure out how to pick your best side hustle idea to pursue based on certain criteria. And so much more... Full show notes at Find out more about the team who makes The Art of Charm podcast here! Skip Netflix tonight and join the millions of students learning and growing on Skillshare today -- AoC listeners get one month of Skillshare free by signing up at! Whether you're a lady or a gent,