

Welcome to Minisode Monday, where we kick off the week with something quick and actionable -- to make you more magnetic and effective -- that you can implement right away. This time we examine why being an amateur sometimes works to your advantage when you're tackling a problem that all the experts say is unsolvable. Let's get to it! The Cheat Sheet: When you're an amateur trying to solve a problem, you don't know what doesn't work. Contrast this with an expert who approaches that same problem as someone who usually has all the answers. When an expert is stumped, the problem remains unsolved. But the amateur, not knowing any better, can often approach the problem from an angle the expert never even considered. Where repetition numbs the expert, an amateur's relative incompetence begets innovation. Call it beginner's luck if you like, but no matter how new you are to the banquet, you've probably got something to bring to the table. To learn more about social dynamics and productivity hacks, take the Art of Ch