

Isaac Lidsky (@isaaclidsky) is the only blind person to serve as a law clerk for the U.S. Supreme Court. He's also an entrepreneur, he was once a child actor on a popular '90s sitcom, and now he's the bestselling author of Eyes Wide Open: Overcoming Obstacles and Recognizing Opportunities in a World That Can't See Clearly. "The world's going to change a million times between A and Z. You will, as well." -Isaac Lidsky The Cheat Sheet: Understand why Isaac Lidsky considers going blind in his twenties a "blessing." Learn how Isaac's personal vision grew sharper even as his eyesight faded. Discover how our brains construct reality based on our own mental models -- some of which we can control. Explore how to reframe luck and events that seem negative to work to our advantage. Sign up for Isaac's free bonus workbook to transfer the content of this show into actionable insights for making progress toward your own goals every week. And so much more... A gift from the heart is always worth giving -- like farm-to-ta