

In this Minisode Monday, guest James Clear rejoins us to talk about how pre-commitment (aka implementation intentions) can make following through with a plan more likely. The Cheat Sheet: "Amateurs do things when it's easy -- when they feel motivated to do them. Professionals do things on a schedule." -James Clear Pre-commitment (aka implementation intentions) is the idea that if you lay out a plan for implementing your behavior with a very specific time, place, and location, you're much more likely to follow through. In one particular study, ninety percent of the group that made made a pre-commitment with implementation intentions were compliant with their goal. Discover how Jordan uses the pre-commitment to implementation intentions in his own schedule to get what some consider an outrageous amount of things done every week. (This applies to work as well as leisure.) To learn more about social dynamics and productivity hacks, take the Art of Charm Challenge by clicking here, or text CHARMED to 33444. Also