

Time for Fan Mail Friday, where we'll be answering your questions and dropping some knowledge and feedback to help you kick the weekend off right. Let's cut to it! In this episode: A recovering smart alec wonders how to get a second chance at a bad first impression. Zooming out on talent to see the skill beneath. How do you become so interesting that people can't help but befriend you, hire you, and line up around the block to get your attention? A close friend suddenly stops responding to every effort at contact -- how can you find out what went wrong? When you're a child of the world, your hybrid accent is nothing to be ashamed of. When you've been burned in past relationships, how do you get over the "there are no good [women/men]" fallacy? [Related: Kimberly Seltzer's advice for How to Find a Therapist] Shoutouts to Konrad -- who used negotiation tactics he learned at AoC while working on The Paris Agreement -- and Xana, who benefits most from our Minisode Monday episodes! Have any questions, comments, o