

Welcome to the 15th episode of Minisode Monday! We keep finding so many useful tactics and tips that we want to share with you, but they don't fit into the format of a regular show -- hence, Minisode Monday. Today, we're going to address sore spots and accommodating old injuries. Here goes: The Cheat Sheet: We all experience sore spots -- physical as well as mental -- every now and then. But sometimes these sore spots have been with us so long that we forget what put them there in the first place. Just one injury can set off a chain reaction of unconscious maladjustment -- with body or mind -- that can affect everything we do. The older the injury, the more widespread the effects. In what ways have you been injured that cause you to act differently? Does an old shoulder injury negatively modify your posture? Does an old embarrassment make you insecure or oversensitive about something? This week: think about your sore spots. What are they, and when do they show up? What triggers them? How have you been rearra