

Your talents, abilities, and intelligence aren't fixed traits -- they can be expanded and improved at any age with a mindset motivated toward growth."It's exciting to be progressing and doing things you never thought you could do; it's less exciting to just keep proving yourself over and over -- often by staying in your comfort zone." -Dr. Carol DweckThe Cheat Sheet:Learn the differences between the fixed mindset and the growth mindset. (02::31)What's the first step toward breaking out of a fixed mindset once you've identified it within yourself? (08:05)How you define success helps pinpoint your dominant mindset. (10:24)By the same token, mindsets change the very meaning of failure. (16:58)How can we raise children to lean more toward a growth mindset than a fixed mindset? (24:48)And so much more...Show notes at US SPREAD THE WORD!If you dig the show, please subscribe in iTunes and write us a review! This is what h