Learning Chinese Through Stories
- Author: Vários
- Narrator: Vários
- Publisher: Podcast
- Duration: 0:42:50
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Story explanation ( Part B) of 3.3.7A《李荣浩》 简体;繁体;拼音;词性;意思 炙手可热;炙手可熱;zhì shǒu kě rè;;lit. (idiom) 可见一斑;可見一斑;kě jiàn yī bān;verb phrase;see a segment of a whole 世俗;世俗;shì sú;adj;secular; worldly 老天爷;老天爺;lǎo tiān yé;noun;God; Heavens 谋生;謀生;móu shēng;verb;to earn a living 叛逆;叛逆;pàn nì;verb/noun;to rebel; to revolt; a rebel 倔强;倔強;jué jiàng;adj;stubborn 索性;索性;suǒ xìng;adv;you might as well (do it); simply; just 干脆;乾脆;gān cuì;adv; you might as well; simply 尴尬;尷尬;gān gà;adj; embarrassed 翻来覆去;翻來覆去;fān lái fù qù;verb;to toss and turn (sleeplessly); again and again 执着;執着;zhí zhuó;verb;to be dedicated; to cling to 极致;極致;jí zhì;adv;pinnacle; ultimate 境界;境界;jìng jiè;noun;state; realm 北漂;北漂;běi piāo;verb/noun;migrant worker living and working in Beijing without a residence permit 幕后;幕後;mù hòu;noun;behind the scenes 唠叨;嘮叨;láo dao;verb;to nag; garrulous; nagging Help us reach 99 Patrons https://www.patreon.com/learnin