Learning Chinese Through Stories




Story explanation ( Part B) of 3.3.6 《我的高考》 词汇;拼音;词性;意思 距离;jù lí;Verb;to be apart from 直到......以后;zhí dào... yǐ hòu;Verb phrase;until after... 脚印;jiǎo yìn;Noun;footprint 宛若;wǎn ruò;;to be just like 旋转门;xuán zhuàn mén;Noun;revolving door 命运;mìng yùn;Noun;fate; destiny; 车轮;chē lún;Noun;wheel 随着;suí zhe;Verb;along with 推移;tuī yí;Verb;(of time) to elapse or pass 自习;zì xí;Noun;to study by oneself 节;jié;;measure word for class 占课;zhānkè;Verb phrase;to claim a (free) class period 按照;àn zhào;Verb;according to 惯例;guàn lì;Noun;usual practice 补课;bǔ kè;Verb phrase;extra school hours during the break usually for seniors in high school 小年;xiǎo nián;Noun phrase;a festival that falls on the 23rd or 24th of the twelfth month of the lunar year 特殊;tè shū;Adj;special 百年不遇;bǎi nián bù yù;Chengyu;only met with once every hundred years (drought, flood etc) 冰;bīng;Noun;ice 灾;zāi;Noun;disaster 根本;gēn běn;Adverb;absolutely (not); (not) at all 窝;wō;Verb;to nest in 洗漱;xǐ shù;Verb;to wash the face and brush teeth 挨着;āi zhe;Verb;next to 线