Learning Chinese Through Stories
- Author: Vários
- Narrator: Vários
- Publisher: Podcast
- Duration: 0:48:26
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Story explanation ( Part B) of 3.1.4《母亲给我的礼物》1 成功;chéng gōng;Verb;to succeed 渴望;kě wàng;Verb;to long for 幼儿园;yòu ér yuán;Noun;kindergarten 腻;nì;Adj; tired of 整天;zhěng tiān;Noun;whole day 胡闹;hú nào;Verb;to make trouble 与众不同;yǔ zhòng bù tóng;Adj;to stand out from the masses (idiom) 私立;sī lì;Adj;private 表明;biǎo míng;Verb; to indicate 发榜;fā bǎng;Verb;to publish a roll-call of successful candidates 闪亮;shǎn liàng;Verb;to shine/ glisten 激动;jī dòng;Adj;to move emotionally; to stir up (emotions); to excite 哇哇;wā wā;Adj;be excited 大叫;dà jiào;Verb phrase;scream 无法掩饰;wú fǎ yǎn shì;Verb phrase;unable to hide ( one's emotion) 兴奋;xīng fèn;Adj;be excited 自豪;zì háo;Adj;proud (of one's achievements etc) 一丁点;yī dīng diǎn;Noun phrase;a tiny bit 大胆;dà dǎn;Adj;Brave, bold 尝试;cháng shì;Verb;to try 积极;jī jí;Adj;active 进取;jìn qǔ;Verb;to show initiative; to be a go-getter; to push forward with one's agenda 跨越;kuà yuè;Verb;to make a leap 生怕;shēng pà;Verb;to fear that (something could happen) 冒险;mào xiǎn;Verb;to take risks 独立性;dú lì xìn