Learning Chinese Through Stories

3.1.3B 《休息和工作,你要哪一个》



Story explanation ( Part B) of 3.1.3 《休息和工作,你要哪一个》 词语;拼音;词性;意思 辞职;cí zhí;Verb;to resign 形容;xíng róng;Verb;to describe 私企;sī qǐ;Noun;private enterprise 财务;cái wù;Noun;financials 老板;lǎo bǎn;Noun;boss 规定;guī dìng;Noun;regulation;rule 部门;bù mén;Noun;department; branch 免谈;miǎn tán;Adj;non-negotiable 合理;hé lǐ;Adj;rational 名校;míng xiào;Noun phrase;famous school 霸王条款;bà wáng tiáo kuǎn;Noun phrase;Unfair terms/clause ( of contract) 小半年;xiǎo bàn nián;Noun phrase;close to half a year 迫切;pò qiè;Adj;urgent; pressing 单休;dān xiū;Noun phrase;one-day weekend 挽着手;wǎn zhe shou;Verb phrase;arm-in-arm 做账;zuò zhàng;Verb phrase;do the account 以及;yǐ jí;Conjunction;as well as 领导;lǐng dǎo;Noun;boss 交代;jiāo dài;Verb;To assign 繁杂;fán zá;Adj;complicated 琐事;suǒ shì;Noun;trifle 娱乐;yú lè;Noun;entertainment 循环;xún huán;Verb;to cycle, to repeate 表现;biǎo xiàn;Verb;to display 意味;yì wèi;Verb;to imply 勇气;yǒng qì;Verb;courage 心仪;xīn yí;Verb;to admire in the heart 裸辞;luǒ cí;Verb;to quit one's job (without having another one) 失业;shī yè;Verb;to lose