Learning Chinese Through Stories




"I found him lovely because he's classical. That's his upbringing — classical music, classical tradition, being isolated in Rochester. His parents are like me, and they insist on their idealized Chinese way, their traditional way," says Ang Lee.  词汇,拼音,词性,意思 一步一回头;yī bù yī huí tóu;adj.;to be reluctant or sad to leave a friend or loved one 忍不住;rěn bu zhù;Verb;cannot help 落泪;luò lèi;Verb;to shed tears 哽咽;gěng yè;Verb;to choke with emotion 还是;hái shi;conj.;Still 算了;suàn le;Verb;Let it be 场;cháng;Num;Measure word 叛逆;pàn nì;adj.;Rebellious 伤心;shāng xīn;adj.;Sad 乖;guāi;adj.; Well-behaved 实现;shí xiàn;Verb;To achieve 梦想;mèng xiǎng;Noun;Dream 偷偷;tōu tōu;Verb;Secretly 拜托;bài tuō;Verb;to request sb to do sth 责怪;zé guài;Verb;to blame 举动;jǔ dòng;Noun;Action 当年;dāng nián;adj.;in those days 大名鼎鼎;dà míng dǐng dǐng;Cheng yu;Renowned 首;shǒu;adv; first (occasion, thing etc) 唱;chàng;Verb;to sing 外甥;wài shēng;Noun;sister's son 引荐;yǐn jiàn;Verb;to recommend sb 无法;wú fǎ;Noun;unable 原谅;yuán liàng;Verb; to forgive 断;duàn;Verb;  to cu