Learning Chinese Through Stories
2.2.24 B《笨小孩》
- Author: Vários
- Narrator: Vários
- Publisher: Podcast
- Duration: 0:22:48
- More information
A little boy came to the city to work, yet continue to belief in the simple things that he learnt from the little town he came from. Will he hold on to his ideals and belief? Paid for by Patrons 笨小孩 作词:刘德华 作曲:高枫 哦...宁静的小村外,有一个笨小孩,出生在陆零年代 十来岁到城市,不怕那太阳晒,努力在七零年代 发现呀,城市里朋友们不用去灌溉,花自然会开 哦...转眼间那么快,这一个笨小孩,又到了八零年代 三十岁到头来,不算好也不坏,经过了九零年代 最无奈,他自己总是会慢人家一拍,没有钱在那口袋 哎哟往着胸口拍一拍呀,勇敢站起来,不用心情太坏 哎哟向着天空拜一拜呀,别想不开,老天 自有安排 哦...他们说城市里男不坏女不爱,怎么想也不明白 妈妈说真心爱会爱得很精彩,结果我没有女孩 笨小孩依然是坚强得像石头一块,只是晚上寂寞难耐 哎哟往着胸口拍一拍呀,勇敢站起来,管它上天下海 哎哟向着天空拜一拜呀,别想不开,老天自有安排 老天爱笨小孩 笨;bèn;Adj;stupid 宁静;níng jìng;Adj;tranquil 村;cūn;Noun;village 年代;nián dài;Noun;a decade of a century 努力;nǔ lì;Verb; to strive; to try hard 灌溉;guàn gài;Verb;to irrigate 自然;zì rán;Adv;naturally 转眼;zhuǎn yǎn;Noun;in the blink of an eye 到头;dào tóu;;to the end (of); 无奈;wú nài;Adj;helpless; without choice 拍;pāi;Verb;to pat; to clap 胸口;xiōng kǒu;Noun;pit of the stomach 勇敢;yǒng gǎn;Adj/adv;brave; courageous 心情;xīn qíng;Noun;mood