Learning Chinese Through Stories
1.2.22B 《两只老虎》
- Author: Vários
- Narrator: Vários
- Publisher: Podcast
- Duration: 0:09:16
- More information
Paid for by Patrons 两只老虎 一只在笼子里 一只在荒野中 两只老虎都认为 自己的环境不好 笼子里的老虎羡慕荒野中的老虎 荒野中的老虎羡慕笼子里的老虎 所以,他们交换了 开始他们十分快乐 但很快,两只老虎都死了 一只因为饥饿死了,一只因为忧郁死了。 Subscribe to our newsletter: https://goo.gl/forms/iGzDQVYToF7Rivo42 Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/learningchinesethroughstories 汉字,拼音,词性,意思 笼子 Lóngzi, noun, cage 荒野 Huāngyě, noun, the wilds 环境 Huánjìng, noun, environment 交换 Jiāohuàn, verb, trade; exchange 开始 Kāishǐ, adverb, at the beginning 十分 Shífēn, adverb, extremely 饥饿 jī'è, adj/noun, hungry/ hunger 忧郁 yōuyù, adj/noun, depressed/depression Photo by melissa mjoen on Unsplash