Learning Chinese Through Stories
1.3.24B 故事解读《亡羊补牢》
- Author: Vários
- Narrator: Vários
- Publisher: Podcast
- Duration: 0:17:37
- More information
亡 wáng, verb, to die 补 bǔ,verb,to repair 牢 láo,noun, pen; fold; prison 圈 juàn, noun, pen;fold 准备 zhǔnbèi,verb, to prepare 放羊 fàngyáng,verb phrase, to herd sheep 发现 fāxiàn, verb, to find out 破 pò, verb, to break; adj, broken 窟窿 kūlong, noun, hole 夜间 yèjiān,noun, night 钻 zuān,verb, to go in through a small entrance 叼 diāo,verb, to hold in the mouth 邻居 línjū,noun, neighbor 劝告 quàngào, verb, to urge;noun, advice 修 xiū , verb, to repair 堵 dǔ,verb, to block 丢 diū,verb, to lose; adj, lost 接受 jiēshòu,verb, to accept 后悔 hòuhuǐ,adj, regretful 当初 dāngchū, time noun, back then 于是 yúshì, conjunction word, so 结结实实 jiējiēshíshí, adj, solid; edurable; sturdy 从此 cóngcǐ,conjunction word, since then Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/learningchinesethroughstories