Learning Chinese Through Stories
- Author: Vários
- Narrator: Vários
- Publisher: Podcast
- Duration: 0:04:40
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When the author was a kid, his grandpa always made sure that he got covered by the umbrella while they walked together in the rain. The author noticed that his grandpa tilted the umbrella so much that one side of his clothes always got soaked wet. Many years flew by, it turned out that... 小时候,我喜欢下雨,喜欢踩着路面的积水,走在雨中。 每逢下雨的时候,外公便会打着那把蓝色的大伞,站在校门口向我招手。我迅速地钻进伞下,和外公一起走进雨的世界。 一次,外公来接我时,正下着倾盆大雨,天气很冷。 “外公,伞歪了。” 外公笑眯眯地说:“没歪呀。” 我感到奇怪,说:“明明是歪向我这边的!” 外公听了,笑而不语。 回到家里,我发现外公半边衣服都湿透了,脸色苍白,冻得全身发抖。 “外公,快换件衣服吧!” “你没被淋湿吧?”外公问。 “没有啊!那把大伞把我整个遮住了。”我扑到外公的怀里,外公开心地笑了起来。 就这样,每次我们从雨中回来,外公的衣服总是一半干一半湿。 仍然是雨的世界,仍然是我和外公,仍然是蓝色的大伞为我们遮风挡雨。不知不觉地,撑伞的人已经变成了我。 外公对我说:“小松,伞歪了。” “没歪呀。”我微笑着回答。 回到家里,我接过外公给我的毛巾,看见外公嘴唇微微颤动,双眼闪着泪光。 那是一把倾斜的伞,一把充满了无限温情的伞。这把伞给我增添了许多美好的回忆,我会永远珍惜它,爱护它。 Subscribe to our newsletter: https://goo.gl/forms/iGzDQVYToF7Rivo42 Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/learningchinesethroughstories