Learning Chinese Through Stories

2.2.20B 故事解读《哪吒闹海》



哪吒 Né zhā Name, a hero fictional figure in Chinese mythology 闹 nào verb, to start a chaos 龙王 lóngwáng noun, dragon king 父子 fùzǐ noun phrase, father and son 称霸一方 chēngbàyìfāng Chengyu, to play the tyrant in a locality 兴风作浪 xīngfēngzuòlàng Chengyu, raise winds and waves; make trouble 害 hài verb, to do harm to; to cause the trouble of... 决心 juéxīn verb,to be determined to do...; noun, determination 治一治 zhì yí zhì verb phrase, to punish 出(一)口气 chū (yì) kǒuqì verb phrase, to take a revenge 法宝 fǎbǎo noun, magic weapon 混天绫 húntiānlíng noun, the Red Armillary Sash 乾坤圈 qiánkūn quān noun, the Universe Ring 摆 bǎi verb, to sway 掀(起)xiān (qǐ) verb, to raise; to surge 滔天 tāotiān adj, dash to the skies 巨浪 jù làng noun phrae, huge waves 水晶宫 shuǐjīnggōng noun, the Crystal Palace 摇晃 yáohuàng verb, to shake 巡 xún verb, to patrol 夜叉 yèchā noun, yaksha 察看 chákàn verb, to watch; to observe 钻 zuān verb, to worm out 斧头 fǔtóu noun, ax 砍 kǎn verb, to cut; to chop 机灵 jīling adj, clever; smart; sharp 闪 shǎn verb, to dodge; to get out o