Learning Chinese Through Stories
3.2.2 故事《无处不在》
- Author: Vários
- Narrator: Vários
- Publisher: Podcast
- Duration: 0:06:52
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One problem that a lot of Chinese parents have about family education is they do education talk too much. They try to make use of every teachable moment with the best intention of making their kids the most successful ones; however, all kids are against this education approach from the bottom of their hearts. The writer of this article got his writing inspiration from sharing a table with a Chinese family of three in a local popular noodle restaurant. A few observations that he made about the mom and the son started this article. 作者:李黎来源:三联生活周刊 在一家面馆吃饭,因为人多,不得不和一家三口挤在一张小桌子上。对面的小孩突然站起来,回来时手上多了一瓶宝蓝色的饮料,很漂亮,也不乏夸张。 父亲说:“什么饮料,让我喝一口,以前都没见过。”小孩说:“我也是没喝过才买的。”父子俩其乐融融地喝着,母亲伸手说“给我看看”,端详了一阵后带着几分激动说:“这么一点水里添加了多少东西!白砂糖、浓缩苹果汁、食用香精、添加剂(柠檬酸,柠檬酸钠)、维生素C、食醋、烟酚胺……”念着念着就脸色大变:“这种饮料不能喝,不健康,要吃就吃水果,喝水就喝矿泉水。” 儿子不服气,刚想说几句,堆得很高的大碗面端上来了。我第一个上,随后他们三位全都上来,儿子带着几分不爽地吃了起来,头也不抬。这家面馆是老字号,卫生条件令人担忧,但味道绝佳,可以自由组合。我要了一份熏鱼面,外加了小排、蔬菜和兰花干,堆得极高。这又让那位母亲侧目,不断地对丈夫和孩子说:“以后你也可以多加一点。”说了几次,她醒悟过来:“要不你现在就加一点吧。” 但没有得到响应。做妈妈的对儿子说:“吃一点我的小排。”小孩说:“不想吃。”做妈妈的非常不高兴,不断地说