Learning Chinese Through Stories

1.3.20A 故事《坐井观天》



There was a frog who lived inside a well for his whole life. He had always believed that the sky was as small as the wellhead, until one day when he met a traveling bird who was taking a water break from her long journey. 青蛙坐在井里。小鸟飞来,落在井沿上。   青蛙问小鸟:“你从哪儿来呀?”   小鸟回答说:“我从天上来,飞了一百多里,口渴了,下来找点水喝。”   青蛙说:“朋友,别说大话了!天不过井口那么大,还用飞那么远吗?”   小鸟说:“你弄错了。天无边无际,大得很哪!”   青蛙笑了,说:“朋友,我天天坐在井里,一抬头就看见天。我不会弄错的。”   小鸟也笑了,说:“朋友,你是弄错了。不信,你跳出井口来看一看吧。” ——摘自沪教版第二册语文课文 Subscribe to our newsletter: https://goo.gl/forms/iGzDQVYToF7Rivo42