Learning Chinese Through Stories

2.2.14B 故事解读《惊弓之鸟》



Worksheet questions for this story can be found under the tab "练习题Worksheet" on http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 古时候 gǔ shíhòu Noun phrase, ancient times 有名 yǒumíng Adj, well-known 射箭 shèjiàn Verb, to shoot an arrow; noun, archery 能手 néngshǒu Noun, a person who is skilled at something 郊外 jiāowài Noun, suburb 打猎 dǎliè Verb, to hunt; noun, hunting 猎人,hunter 大雁 dàyàn Noun, wild goose 远处 yuǎn chù Noun, a faraway place 近处,a nearby place 鸣 míng Verb, (birds) make noise 指 zhǐ Verb, to point 弓 gōng Noun, bow 掉 diào Verb, to fall 本事 běnshì Noun, skill; ability; capability 很有本事 means someone has a lot of connections and can always make things happen. 取 qǔ Verb, to fetch 取钱,withdrawl money 弦 xián Noun, string 响 xiǎng Noun, sound; verb, to ring 拍 Pāi Verb, to flap (wings) 翅膀 chìbǎng Noun, wing(s) 忽然 hūrán Adv, suddenly 半空 bànkōng Noun, mid air 大吃一惊 dàchīyìjīng Verb, to be astonished 吃了一惊;很吃惊 受伤 shòushāng Verb, to get injured 更加 gèngjiā Adv, even more (+adjective) 奇怪 qíguài Adj, strange; weird 悲惨 bēicǎn Adj,