Learning Chinese Through Stories

2.1.15 笑话《家里闹鬼》



A drunken man found his house was haunted. But when he told his wife the terrifying story, his wife slapped him. Listen to this episode and find out why. Find the transcript of glossary under "Stories", "Joke stories" on http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 醉汉回到家,对妻子说:“家里闹鬼了!”妻子满脸惊恐,问:“何以见得?”醉汉说:“我一拉卫生间的门,灯就亮了,而且阴风阵阵,寒气逼人!”妻字一巴掌打去:“你他妈的又尿冰箱里了。” 醉汉 zuì hàn Noun, drunken man 妻子 qīzǐ Noun, wife 闹鬼 nàoguǐ Verb phrase, to be haunted (by ghost) 这间房子闹鬼! This room is haunted! 满脸 mǎn liǎn Noun phrase, the whole face 惊恐 jīngkǒng Adj, alarmed and panicky 何以见得 héyǐ jiàndé Chengyu, “How do you know?” 阴风阵阵 yīnfēng zhèn zhèn Chengyu, chilly wind blows 阵, measure word for 风 寒气逼人 hánqì bī rén Chengyu, there is a nip in the air 巴掌 bāzhang Noun, palm; hand 打/给……一巴掌,Slap someone on the face 他妈的 tā mā de Curse word, express ones’ anger Subject+ 他妈的+ verb+object. “他妈的!”means “Damn it!”by itself. 尿 niào Verb, to pee; noun, urine 冰箱 bīngxiāng Noun, refrigerator