Learning Chinese Through Stories
2.2.12A 故事《黄山奇石》
- Author: Vários
- Narrator: Vários
- Publisher: Podcast
- Duration: 0:03:12
- More information
Have you been to the Yellow Mountain in China? If you haven't, you should put it on your bucket list. This story gives you a glimpse of the most famous boulders on the Yellow Mountain. Anyway, check it out, I mean both this story and the Yellow Mountain. Going through the new word list before you listen to this episode will help you have a better understanding. The word list can be found on www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 闻名中外的黄山风景区在我国安徽省南部。那里景色 秀丽 神奇,尤其是那些怪石,有趣极了。 就说“仙桃石”吧,它好像从天上飞下来的一个大桃子,落在山顶的石盘上。 在一座陡峭的山峰上,有一只猴子。它两只胳膊抱着腿,一动不动的蹲在山头,望着翻滚的云海。这就是有趣的猴子观海。 “仙人指路”就更有趣了!远远望去,真像一位仙人站在高高的山峰上,伸着手臂指向前方。 每当太阳升起,有座山峰上的几块巨石,就变成了一只金光闪闪的雄鸡。它伸着脖子,对着天都峰不住地啼叫。不用说,这就是著名的“金鸡叫天都”了。 黄山的奇石还有很多,像“天狗望月”“狮子抢球”“仙女弹琴”……那些叫不出名字的奇形怪状的岩石,正等你去给他们起名字呢! ——摘自人教版小学语文课本一年级下册