Conversations With Women In Sales

174: Signs of a Toxic Work Environment in Sales, Gabrielle (GB) Blackwell, Lattice



We have had sales leader Gabrielle (GB) Blackwell on before (episode 85) and happy to have her back discussing some of her recent posting about toxic boss behavior in the sales workplace. GB and I were talking about more women than usual leaving B2B sales - something I am posting more about now as well.  GB shares her story about some really unhealthy situations she's found herself in previously - note we did not name names - it's not about that. It is about helping others in the same spot to see the red flags we may have missed or thought they were just part of being there.  I stand by what I say: "Go where you are celebrated, not tolerated."  GB talks about how if you are a woman, be sure and get feedback.  Get feedback not about your personality, but about skills. This is something GB noticed she'd get.  If you are a manager and simply write off a rep and don't give them any feedback, that's a form of abuse. (note: Manager, it is your JOB to support and develop all of the reps on your team)  What have we m