Wisdom For Working Mums

Five Life Lessons My Dad Taught Me: A Tribute For Father's Day



In this special Father's Day episode, I’m reflecting on the life lessons I learned from my dad. It’s been three years since he passed away, but his wisdom continues to guide me every day. You can listen to the episode here or via itunes or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. Could you do me a huge favour and share this episode with two or three working mums that pop into your head as you listen? My mission is to support as many working mums on their journey as possible, and so I’d be so grateful if you supported them by offering this free podcast. I hope it’s been helpful to you, and if so, I hope you pass that on. Please consider rating and reviewing my show. Your review can help other people find my podcast so you’ll be helping another working mum find this resource. Plus I also love to go in and read them. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favourite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Are you subscribed