Wisdom For Working Mums

Supporting Our Children's Emotional Wellbeing During COVID-19



As mums there’s probably not a week goes by that we don’t worry about the wellbeing of our children in some way, shape or form. But 2020 has been the year that worrying about our children’s wellbeing has reached a whole new level: How will they cope in lockdown? Are they getting too much screen time? Are they becoming isolated? What if they get the virus? How will they cope with the transition back to school? Are the social distancing rules worrying them? I don’t know about you but at times I’ve felt like I’ve needed more support and resources to navigate some of these worries. That’s why I’m so excited to introduce you to my guest - Dr Sarah Taylor.  Sarah is a Clinical Psychologist specialising in supporting children. She has spent several years extensively researching the combined roles that science, psychology, and physical reflexes have on mental health.  This was borne of a desire to identify the causes behind a well-publicised fact that an increasing number of children today experience anxiety, depre