Play To Potential Podcast

672: 99.01 Michiel Kruyt - HUL to McKinsey to Transformation Work



NUGGET CONTEXT Michiel speaks about the arc of his journey and how he shifted trajectories over time and over time his interests and passions shifted from Sales, Marketing and General Management at Unilever to driving Personal Transformation at McKinsey and beyond. This is a “sampler” of what a nugget looks like in our podcast. While we have a few nuggets on popular podcast platforms, entire library of Nuggets (Categorised by themes) is available at in the Members section. To understand more about membership benefits such as Curated Nuggets, Hand edited Transcripts, Customizable playlists and Learning Community, please see the Video here. GUEST Michiel Kruyt is CEO of IMAGINE, an advisory boutique helping executive teams develop future fit leadership and company vision. He had a fifteen-year career at McKinsey and Co, where he was a partner focusing on top team effectiveness, large-scale transformations and culture change. He helped many top teams around the world increase their ab