Power Cycle

5: Android Omas



This week, Tom and Marc talk about their weekend trip to Montreal. Mike has some booze and discusses the events of Google I/O. He also has some follow up on Apple and his portable dishwasher, and Marc got another new phone! Best restaurants in Montreal http://localmontrealtours.com/places-to-eat-in-montreal/ Best poutine in Montreal (have tried in person, can confirm!) http://labanquise.com/ Google I/O 2017 in 10 minutes (The Verge) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNLVZjBE08g Full length Google I/O keynote https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2VF8tmLFHw Macworld WWDC rumours article http://www.macworld.com/article/3197093/macs/report-apple-to-release-new-laptops-at-wwdc-2017.html Social https://www.facebook.com/mccally1080/ https://twitter.com/mikemccally https://mikemccally.com/